Friday, May 2, 2008

A2Z Tag

I was tagged by one third of the Wedding Triplets, Chitown Bride, who, I must say, has WONDERFUL taste in bridesmaid dresses. I just hope that the Eva's Bridal Henchmen don't track her down before her May 25 wedding so that she'll get to use them. Ha, Ha.

A - Attached or single? Engaged
B - Best friend? I guess that I better put "My fiance" so that I don't get kicked out of the blog club.
C - Cake or pie? Cake -- chocolate
D - Day of choice? Saturday
E - Essential item? My laptop with an Internet connection
F - Favorite color? Green
G - Gummy bears or worms? Worms. Hands Down.
H - Hometown? Chicago, Illinois (born, raised, and still living)
I - Favorite indulgence? Anything with cheese sauce or melted cheese
J - January or July? July
K - Kids? Still deciding. Why do people always feel so free to ask this question?
L - Life isn’t complete without? Laughter
M - Marriage date? 10/17/08
N - Number of brothers and sisters? 1 bro and 1 sis
O - Oranges or apples? Both
P - Phobia and fears? Phobia: I'm always worried that people think that I'm annoying; Fears: Bugs and Deep Water
Q - Quote?
R- Reason to smile? 62 degrees at 6 a.m.
S - Season of choice? Summer, unless spring and fall are mild.
T - Tag three people: Hasel, 122LOVESME and Engagemental. I would tag Tilly, but she might threaten to punch me in the neck. Everyone should read Tilly's blog. It's funny sh*t.
U - Unknown fact about me? As you can see, I am pretty much an open book. There's not a lot about me that's "unknown." I only wish that I was so ominous.
V - Vegetable? Mushrooms
W - Worst habit? Saying that I am doing something today to get off the phone when I'm not; or checking my Google Reader to procrastinate; Or lying back down after the alarm goes off; or going to bed 2 hours after I say I am; or eating McDonald's breakfast sandwiches.
X - X-ray or ultrasound? X-ray
Y - Your favorite food? Hot dogs
Z - Zodiac sign? Libra

1 comment:

Chitown Wife said...

Ha! Ha! Seriously, I have been leaving my place and thinking they are lurking in the bushes!