Monday, May 5, 2008

Get Skinny Update, Week 7: My Body Hurts

I've decided to switch my weekly reports from the workout spreadsheet to the "weekly summary" chart from WeightWatchers. One of my virtual friends and I started counting points on Wednesday and providing daily reports to each other. This really helped me a lot. I'm thinking that if I have the pressure of 100 people (150 on a good day!) monitoring my daily intake and activity points, I might be even more successful. So here's my first half week of tracking...check out my 22 activity points! I still can't believe that I consumed 62 points on Saturday by eating a cheeseburger and fries after watching the Derby and NOT DRINKING. S*cks. But now I know. And I behaved yesterday to make up for the damage. I went to Champps with my mom and got a turkey wrap and salad without dressing!

While the scale doesn't show it and my chart is questionable at best, I feel like I had a good week last week. I seriously worked my body to exhaustion and was able to keep going. Also, after reading everyone's comments on last week's post, I was forced to think about how I am handling myself. It seems like trying to get in shape for the wedding has sent all of my knowledge and common sense packin'. I haven't been taking measurements, planning, or being methodical. I know how I am approaching this is wrong, but I just let myself get nut-so. I've had to lose weight twice before after packing on the pounds from injuries and I know the drill. I guess that I needed to be reminded of it. So, thank you to everyone for virtually slapping me across the head.

I also read a good article in the WeightWatchers magazine. As I said before, I tend to get a bit hyper and scatterbrained -- especially lately. So this week I am focusing on:
  • Adding more salads to my diet.
  • Points 1, 2, and 4 from the excerpt below.
  • How good I feel. I honestly feel 40 pounds lighter than I am. I've gotten so much stronger in the past two months. I feel healthy.

Image: WeightWatchers Magazine, May/June 2008

P.S. Andy agreed to a "no chips in the house Monday-Friday" rule.

P.S.S. Since I can't work on my invitations tonight, I've started updating my blog roll on the right. I've only made it through the As and Bs. Google Reader might be a bad thing for me...


Jenna said...

I think looking at my stats is my favorite part of watching what I eat. It's so motivating to see what a difference every small choice makes. Keep it up!

A Windy City Wedding said...

Good for you! I tried WW for about a month and then I got so annoyed with tracking every pad of butter and even a small glass of orange juice was like 4/5 points!