Monday, August 15, 2011

The First Ravinia of the Season

Our group had our first trip to the Ravinia Outdoor Festival on Friday to hear Steely Dan. I don't like Steely Dan, but I sure love that place. 

Here are some pictures of  our fun spread. The people sitting around us totally made fun of me...but I don't mess around when it comes to Ravinia.

Birthday Donuts from Dinkel's for our friend, Beth. Their donuts are like old school crack.

The last few Ravinia trips, I've signed up to bring sandwiches. Deli meat, cheese, bread, and condiments can get kind of expensive. For this trip, I picked up some sandwiches at Jimmy John's and had them cut into three segments. I then wrapped up the individual segments using twine and stickers in colors inspired by our napkins. This is the WAY TO GO! I got 18 "mini sandwiches" for under $40.00! Rock on.

(Please don't judge my red twine on my orange and green labels.)

Personalized Party Cups inspired by Sticky Cake Inspirations via Design*Sponge.

We had quite the motley crue of people in our group. It started out small and kept growing as we found out about others going to the show. 

We had three tables in a bag on Friday. We're trying to convince our friend, VP, to buy one so we can go for a record-breaking four. Out "Ravining" people has been a long running joke.

My friend was worried about finding his way back to our spot on the very crowded lawn. His wife was a sport and wore the blinking bracelet he bought her to wear while guiding him back.


Mel said...

That's the best Ravinia spread I've ever seen!

wed in the white city said...

seriously i envy that you do this stuff. where do u find the time to do all these cute crafts?!?!

Terese said...

everything i think about doing you actually pull off...that's an amazing and pretty spread!