Thursday, August 11, 2011

{Where Have I Been?} @ the Paul McCartney Concert!

It was the hottest ticket in town and I had one thanks to my good buddy from college. And it only cost me $85 and a bottle of water for my friend (vs. $1800) - what a steal!

This concert was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Seeing a Beatle broadcast on the screen was more emotional than I would have expected. Hearing Paul McCartney rock out in person was INSANE! It felt like I was hearing these songs for the first time. He is such a talented musician. I mean, obvi, he's a BEATLE, but there is an energy to his playing that I've just never picked up on while listening to  my mom's old albums and cassette tapes that were in constant rotation while we were kids. And his little stories were so charming.

I wasn't sure if you could bring cameras into a concert, so I only had my crappy iPhone camera with me. Oh well. I will work hard to always remember what Paul looked like as he sang, "Maybe I'm Amazed" at Wrigley Field

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