Monday, February 8, 2010

better together: the make-up

A good friend of mine served as our make-up-artist. I love to spend time with her, as she is so bubbly and fun! While she worked her magic on me, we listened to Mando Diao (my sister brought her iPod and docking station with her) and sipped Prosecco. It felt like the three of us are getting ready for a night out in town rather than a wedding. We were very relaxed and calm and enjoyed being pampered.

pictures by schwarzbild
Next up: the hair


MLC84 said...

I'm leaning towards having my makeup done at home as opposed to going to a salon. I think the atmosphere will be better on my nerves.

Born to be Mrs. Beever said...

I hope I am that relaxed and feel like I'm just getting ready for a night out with the girls :)