Thursday, November 19, 2009

My Hunt for House Wine Continues...

Because I am such a kick-ass wife, I've been taking one (well, many) for the team and drinking a lot of bad/mediocre wines in an attempt to fine a good House Wine. We have a lot of fancy wine, but not enough what we've dubbed "Tuesday Night Wine," cheap affordable-but-sorta-delicious wine that I can pop on a weeknight without worrying about finishing the entire bottle (like if I've been dealing with those jerks at Priceline) or if I just want to have a quick drink with a friend. We also need a good dinner party wine for the nights that we're responsible for providing 2-4 bottles of wines for our guests. Here are a few recent winners that I can recall off of the top of my head. My desired price range is less than $10, but I often cheat and go up to $15. (Don't tell.) These are all reds. Whites to follow some other day...

  • Trapiche Malbec: $6.99ish @ Trader Joe's and Binny's. My friend VP brought this over for our GermanFest party and I drank it a few weeks later. Not knowing she brought it,  I sent her an e-mail saying, "I have no idea where we got this, but it's good and cheap." That's all that I remember about it.

  • Bear's Lair Cabarnet Sauvignon: $3.99 @ Trader Joe's. We served this wine at a dinner party on Saturday and I, pleasantly, wasn't horrified when I took the first taste. It's definitely light, but still pretty satisfying. And it beats the pants off of Three Buck Chuck.


Kash said...

From the moment I tried Folie a Deux Menage a Trois Red and White I was hooked three years ago. My mom, white wine snob EXTRAORDINAIRE, looked at me curiously when I poured her a glass, and told me it was excellent. This all for $6.99 a bottle. I see it everywhere too: Whole Foods, Safeway, TJ's, etc.

E @ Oh! Apostrophe said...

So stinkin' jealous that you live in a state that stocks wine in the grocery store. Stupid Maryland. And to think I moved here from a state where you could buy liquor in gas stations.

Amanda said...

Polka Dot Riesling is a great fun white! Usually about $8-10 depending on where you are getting it from. I've never seen it over the $10 mark though!