Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cute RSVPs

I am packing up my craft shelf for the impending move and found some cute RSVPs from our wedding guests.

From my friend, Mrs. A.

Mrs. A is the mother of my bridesmaid, LP. If my friend Balz is my Party Twin, Mrs. A is my Party Aunt. 

From my friend Kev and his wife Angela.

I have to post the card that Angela made. You guys will love it!

When I tease Andy about his intense love for 70s music, he credits his sister April . Here is April's RSVP card:

It breaks my heart to shred the RSVPs - even seven months after the fact. :( I am saving these and a few others in a scrapbook, but seeing all of my pretty shiny paper in the recycling bin is bittersweet.

I think that notes on RSVPs are the best, don't you?


Sev said...

They are definitely the best!

The Powell's said...

Three years later I still can't part with my wedding RSVP cards, something about all of the cute messages people wrote. I guess I should narrow down the "keepers" and put them in a scrapbook...someday!

joyce said...

Yes they are. I don't think I'll be able to throw out cards with personal notes on them too! It'll be lovely to read them several years down the road and remember it all again. :)