Monday, April 30, 2012

{366} Week 17

{Day 113] 04.22.2012
Trying my damnedest to not kill these herb plants. So far, I'm 4-1 and the thyme isn't looking too great.

{Day 114} 04.23.2012
If Komainu in jerseys can't help you win a playoff game, nothing can.

{Day 115} 04.24.2012
I had to rearrange my large number calendar so the current months were closer to my computer. #forreal

{Day 116} 04.25.2012
Andy pointed out this sticker on the L the during our morning commute. OMG! Pee!

{Day 117} 04.26.2012
I'd bet good money that the owner of this bumper sticker is a man who doesn't know a thing about breast health.

{Day 118} 04.27.2012
Bolivian Dancers at our neighbor's art show opening.

{Day 119} 04.28.2012
I stumbled upon a really, really good deal and took the plunge. I spent all day Saturday with my new boyfriend and have to say that it is not quite love at first site. 

1 comment:

Linda said...

Yay for herbs! I wish I could grow some but we get no sunlight in our apartment.
yay for Macs. I love mine!