Monday, August 22, 2011

{Gifts} Chicago-Themed Baby Gifts

In most of my social interactions, I am the only true-blue Chicagoan in the group. Actually, in all of my extended, post-college and work social groups, I have only one friend that I can think of who grew up with a 606XX zip code. Given this, I like to recruit some fresh blood to the city whenever I attend a baby shower. Here are some of my Go-To Chicago-Style baby gifts. Notice that none of them mention the phrase "Chi-Town." That's because nooneshouldeverusethephraseChi-TownasitmakesyousoundlikeadouchebagoraDJorworseaDoucheyDJ. 




There are a few other books on the market, but I like to save a few of those for when they get older.

Chicago Onesie

Depending on the gifting scenario, I also try to include a little Chicago t-shirt or onesie or two. My all-time favorite go-to, which was recently discontinued, is this hot dog and mustard onesie, modeled by a throw-back Eddie.

I have a matching t-shirt because I like to be THAT aunt. I know it's technically not a "Chicago" onesie, but any real Chicagoan would get it and love it.

1 comment:

Terese said...

if we have a boy, his name will be edmund, aka ed or eddie. i always wondered how it would work calling a baby eddie. it seems like such an old man name to me (sorry, husband). now that adorable photo has confirmed how perfect "eddie" can be for a sweet little boy :)